Web Server Statistics for [Ray's Web Stats]

Program started at Mon-16-Sep-2002 19:48.
Analysed requests from Fri-05-Jul-2002 17:26 to Mon-16-Sep-2002 19:43 (73.10 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending 16-Sep-2002 19:48).
Successful requests: 23,806 (2,259)
Average successful requests per day: 325 (322)
Successful requests for pages: 3,084 (422)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 42 (60)
Failed requests: 4,230 (301)
Redirected requests: 217 (0)
Distinct files requested: 4,308 (240)
Distinct hosts served: 685 (86)
Corrupt logfile lines: 839
Data transferred: 340.702 megabytes (17.800 megabytes)
Average data transferred per day: 4.661 megabytes (2.542 megabytes)

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the activity in each month.

Each unit (+) represents 50 requests for pages or part thereof.

   month:  reqs: pages: 
--------: -----: -----: 
Jul 2002:  8920:   798: ++++++++++++++++
Aug 2002: 11773:  1778: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sep 2002:  3113:   508: +++++++++++
Busiest month: Aug 2002 (1,778 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each day of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 20 requests for pages or part thereof.

day: reqs: pages: 
---: ----: -----: 
Sun: 5343:   712: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mon: 3643:   488: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue: 1824:   226: ++++++++++++
Wed: 3214:   402: +++++++++++++++++++++
Thu: 3032:   358: ++++++++++++++++++
Fri: 3135:   283: +++++++++++++++
Sat: 3615:   615: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 8 requests for pages or part thereof.

hour: reqs: pages: 
----: ----: -----: 
   0:  361:    39: +++++
   1:  258:    49: +++++++
   2:  253:    40: +++++
   3:  118:    14: ++
   4:   91:    15: ++
   5:  226:    76: ++++++++++
   6:  358:    74: ++++++++++
   7:  540:    77: ++++++++++
   8: 1018:   215: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   9:  985:   138: ++++++++++++++++++
  10: 1526:   233: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  11:  801:   125: ++++++++++++++++
  12:  765:   108: ++++++++++++++
  13: 1161:   215: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  14: 1856:   181: +++++++++++++++++++++++
  15:  806:    94: ++++++++++++
  16:  714:    77: ++++++++++
  17: 1046:   126: ++++++++++++++++
  18: 2481:   135: +++++++++++++++++
  19: 1230:   177: +++++++++++++++++++++++
  20: 2002:   226: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  21: 2861:   311: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  22: 1452:   218: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  23:  897:   121: ++++++++++++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 reqs: %bytes: domain
-----: ------: ------
23806:   100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]

Organisation Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the organisations of the computers which requested files.

Listing the top 20 organisations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: %bytes: organisation
-----: ------: ------------
10217: 34.32%: 192.168
  900:  2.38%: 169.139
  656:  5.90%: 12
  411:  1.51%: 152.163
  315:  1.29%: 4
  272:  0.56%: 63.148
  253:  1.72%: 207.18
  183:  0.67%: 209.245
  182:  1.50%: 68.67
  164:  0.39%: 64.12
  161:  0.45%: 66.57
  161:  0.81%: 205.188
  155:  0.44%: 64.246
  154:  0.34%: 68.1
  152:  0.56%: 65.207
  140:  0.60%: 163.248
  134:  0.51%: 213.1
  132:  0.37%: 63.72
  131:  0.36%: 207.253
  123:  0.62%: 68.10
 8810: 44.72%: [not listed: 288 organisations]

Status Code Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the HTTP status codes of all requests.

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

 reqs: status code
-----: -----------
20384: 200 OK
   55: 206 Partial content
    3: 301 Document moved permanently
  205: 302 Document found elsewhere
    9: 303 See other document
 3367: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
  739: 400 Bad request
    4: 401 Authentication required
    8: 403 Access forbidden
 3455: 404 Document not found
    1: 406 Document not acceptable to client
    9: 408 Request timeout
    5: 500 Internal server error
    9: 502 Error at upstream server

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the sizes of files.

       size:  reqs: %bytes: 
-----------: -----: ------: 
          0:  3674:       : 
   1b-  10b:     2:       : 
  11b- 100b:   633:  0.01%: 
 101b-  1kb:  1831:  0.29%: 
  1kb- 10kb: 14325: 18.48%: 
 10kb-100kb:  2409: 20.92%: 
100kb-  1Mb:   927: 48.64%: 
  1Mb- 10Mb:     4:  4.26%: 
 10Mb-100Mb:     1:  7.40%: 

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the extensions of requested files.

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 reqs: %bytes: extension
-----: ------: ---------
13809: 74.10%: .jpg  [JPEG graphics]
   13: 10.61%: .bin
 1257:  2.30%: [directories]
 1194:  2.16%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
 3812:  2.03%: .gif  [GIF graphics]
  172:  1.84%: .jsp  [Java Server Pages]
    3:  1.65%: .mov  [Quick Time movie]
  899:  1.09%: [no extension]
  633:  0.67%: .htm  [Hypertext Markup Language]
   61:  0.60%: .cfm  [Cold Fusion]
   82:  0.52%: .asp  [Active Server Pages]
   80:  0.44%: .swf
  410:  0.40%: .js   [JavaScript code]
   40:  0.35%: .cgi  [CGI scripts]
  446:  0.35%: .png  [PNG graphics]
  537:  0.27%: .GIF
   12:  0.18%: .adp
  112:  0.13%: .hqx  [Macintosh BinHex files]
  232:  0.30%: [not listed: 22 extensions]

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 reqs: %bytes: directory
-----: ------: ---------
15569: 72.50%: /WebPages/
 5805: 23.62%: http://
 1352:  1.96%: [root directory]
  952:  1.28%: /Analog/
   85:  0.52%: /images/
   35:  0.10%: /webpages/
    6:  0.01%: [not listed: 1 directory]

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs: %bytes:       last time: file
----: ------: ---------------: ----
 767:  1.55%: 16/Sep/02 19:40: /
 565:  0.41%: 16/Sep/02 19:40: /PoweredByMacOSX.gif
 559:  0.45%: 16/Sep/02 19:40: /WebPages/Zeisers.jpg
 552:  0.55%: 16/Sep/02 19:40: /WebPages/Zwei/thumbnails/Zwei.embl.jpg
 550:  0.50%: 16/Sep/02 19:40: /WebPages/Zwei/thumbnails/Bowling70-71.jpg
 545:  1.50%: 16/Sep/02 19:40: /WebPages/June.jpg
 545:  1.00%: 16/Sep/02 19:40: /WebPages/Rebecca-Santa.jpg
 534:  0.22%: 16/Sep/02 17:30: /WebPages/bbedit_badge1.gif
 530:  0.27%: 16/Sep/02 17:30: /WebPages/Sample Files %26 Templates/Graphics/macOS.GIF
 255:  0.15%: 16/Sep/02 13:40: /WebPages/shed/
 218:  0.28%: 16/Sep/02 13:40: /WebPages/shed/qcreated.jpg
 208:  0.38%: 16/Sep/02 13:40: /WebPages/shed/thumbnails/5.jpg
 207:  0.37%: 16/Sep/02 13:40: /WebPages/shed/thumbnails/12.jpg
 206:  0.39%: 16/Sep/02 13:40: /WebPages/shed/thumbnails/0.jpg
 206:  0.43%: 16/Sep/02 13:40: /WebPages/shed/thumbnails/4.jpg
 206:  0.36%: 16/Sep/02 13:40: /WebPages/shed/thumbnails/8.jpg
 206:  0.45%: 16/Sep/02 13:40: /WebPages/shed/thumbnails/3.jpg
 206:  0.43%: 16/Sep/02 13:41: /WebPages/shed/thumbnails/2.jpg
 206:  0.37%: 16/Sep/02 13:40: /WebPages/shed/thumbnails/6.jpg
 206:  0.46%: 16/Sep/02 13:40: /WebPages/shed/thumbnails/1.jpg
 206:  0.35%: 16/Sep/02 13:40: /WebPages/shed/thumbnails/9.jpg
 205:  0.36%: 16/Sep/02 13:40: /WebPages/shed/thumbnails/7.jpg
 205:  0.42%: 16/Sep/02 13:40: /WebPages/shed/thumbnails/10.jpg
 156:  0.03%: 16/Sep/02 13:41: /WebPages/shed/up.jpg
 154:  0.03%: 16/Sep/02 13:41: /WebPages/shed/right.jpg
 149:  0.03%: 16/Sep/02 13:41: /WebPages/shed/left.jpg
 108:       : 11/Aug/02 18:53: http://ehg.hitbox.com/HG
 104:  0.22%: 16/Sep/02 15:47: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/index.htm
  99:  0.18%: 15/Sep/02 14:28: /WebPages/BobbiePics/thumbnails/Fasanerie.jpg
  99:  0.03%: 16/Sep/02 13:43: /WebPages/shed/4jpg.html
  99:  0.18%: 15/Sep/02 14:28: /WebPages/BobbiePics/thumbnails/Ontariostrasse.jpg
  97:  0.03%: 15/Sep/02 13:13: /WebPages/shed/5jpg.html
  96:  0.07%: 15/Sep/02 14:28: /WebPages/BobbiePics/
  91:  0.14%: 15/Sep/02 14:28: /WebPages/BobbiePics/thumbnails/Fasanerie II.jpg
  91:  0.15%: 15/Sep/02 14:28: /WebPages/BobbiePics/thumbnails/Zwei Rathaus.jpg
  91:  0.13%: 15/Sep/02 14:28: /WebPages/BobbiePics/thumbnails/Bavarian Inn.jpg
  90:  0.15%: 15/Sep/02 14:28: /WebPages/BobbiePics/thumbnails/Looking down the hill.jpg
  90:  0.17%: 15/Sep/02 14:28: /WebPages/BobbiePics/thumbnails/Anniversary sign.jpg
  90:  0.17%: 15/Sep/02 14:28: /WebPages/BobbiePics/thumbnails/Fountain near Rathaus.jpg
  90:  0.16%: 15/Sep/02 14:28: /WebPages/BobbiePics/thumbnails/Housing Sign.jpg
  90:  0.15%: 15/Sep/02 14:28: /WebPages/BobbiePics/thumbnails/Zwei Bahnhoff.jpg
  90:  0.16%: 15/Sep/02 14:28: /WebPages/BobbiePics/thumbnails/Zwei Bahnhoff II.jpg
  90:  0.14%: 15/Sep/02 14:28: /WebPages/BobbiePics/thumbnails/Base Housing I.jpg
  90:  4.65%: 16/Sep/02 13:43: /WebPages/shed/images/4.jpg
  90:  0.15%: 15/Sep/02 14:28: /WebPages/BobbiePics/thumbnails/Base Chapel.jpg
  89:  0.03%: 16/Sep/02 13:42: /WebPages/shed/2jpg.html
  88:  3.65%: 15/Sep/02 13:13: /WebPages/shed/images/5.jpg
  88:  0.03%: 16/Sep/02 13:41: /WebPages/shed/12jpg.html
  85:  0.52%: 16/Sep/02 19:40: /images/XTension.jpg
  85:  1.37%: 18/Jul/02 22:17: http://www.publixdirect.com/search/searchResults.jsp
  84:  0.10%: 15/Sep/02 14:28: /WebPages/BobbiePics/qcreated.jpg
  83:  0.09%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/Ginger-N-Friend.jpg
  83:  0.10%: 16/Sep/02 15:47: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/A-First-Grad.jpg
  83:  0.09%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/Debbie-Styles.jpg
  82:  0.08%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/John-N-CarWash.jpg
  82:  0.11%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/Grad-1973.jpg
  82:  0.08%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/Corrinne-Richardson.jpg
  82:  0.09%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/Debbie-Brown.jpg
  82:  0.09%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/Grossman-N-Camera.jpg
  81:       : 11/Aug/02 18:49: http://hints.netflame.cc/service/hint
  80:  0.08%: 16/Sep/02 15:47: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/John-N-CarWash2.jpg
  80:  3.63%: 16/Sep/02 13:41: /WebPages/shed/images/12.jpg
  79:  0.11%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/PostCard2.jpg
  79:  0.08%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/John-N-woods.jpg
  79:  0.10%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/PostCard1.jpg
  79:  3.91%: 16/Sep/02 13:42: /WebPages/shed/images/2.jpg
  79:  0.07%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/Mrs-Moser-On-balcony.jpg
  79:  0.09%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/John.jpg
  79:  0.08%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/John-N-Dad.jpg
  79:  0.11%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/Patches.jpg
  79:  0.91%: 16/Sep/02 19:43: /Analog/Report.html
  79:  0.09%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/PostCard3.jpg
  78:  0.09%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/PostCard4.jpg
  76:  0.08%: 16/Sep/02 15:47: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/Zwei-ArmyBase2.jpg
  76:  0.09%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/Ricky-N-Gang.jpg
  76:  0.08%: 16/Sep/02 15:47: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/Ricky.jpg
  76:  0.09%: 16/Sep/02 15:46: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/PostCard5.jpg
  76:  0.07%: 16/Sep/02 15:47: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/Zwei-ArmyBase1.jpg
  76:  0.08%: 16/Sep/02 15:47: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/Tennis-Court.jpg
  76:  0.07%: 16/Sep/02 15:47: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/WhoIsThis01.jpg
  76:  0.08%: 16/Sep/02 15:47: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/Tean-Club-1973.jpg
  75:  0.03%: 15/Sep/02 12:56: /WebPages/shed/3jpg.html
  74:  0.07%: 16/Sep/02 15:47: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/thumbnails/Zwei-Hill.jpg
  68:  0.02%: 16/Sep/02 13:41: /WebPages/shed/1jpg.html
  67:  3.83%: 15/Sep/02 12:57: /WebPages/shed/images/3.jpg
  66:  0.01%: 16/Sep/02 10:43: /Analog/images/analogo.gif
  65:  0.06%: 16/Sep/02 19:43: /Analog/org.png
  65:  0.04%: 16/Sep/02 19:43: /Analog/code.png
  63:  0.04%: 16/Sep/02 19:43: /Analog/size.png
  62:  0.04%: 16/Sep/02 10:43: /Analog/dir.png
  62:  0.05%: 16/Sep/02 19:43: /Analog/type.png
  62:  0.06%: 16/Sep/02 19:43: /Analog/req.png
  61:  0.01%: 18/Jul/02 22:16: http://www.publixdirect.com/browse/cart0.jsp
  61:  3.28%: 16/Sep/02 13:42: /WebPages/shed/images/1.jpg
  60:  0.05%: 15/Sep/02 16:49: /Analog/dom.png
  56:       : 16/Sep/02 10:43: /Analog/images/html2.gif
  55:       : 11/Aug/02 18:52: http://a1604.g.akamai.net/f/1604/2007/1h/stats.hitbox.com/js/hbe.js
  54:  0.02%: 15/Sep/02 12:23: /WebPages/shed/0jpg.html
  53:       : 16/Sep/02 10:43: /Analog/images/barb16.gif
  52:       : 16/Sep/02 10:43: /Analog/images/barb2.gif
  52:  0.01%: 11/Aug/02 18:54: http://www.abcdistributing.com/css/abc.css
  52:       : 16/Sep/02 10:43: /Analog/images/barb1.gif
  52:       : 16/Sep/02 10:43: /Analog/images/barb8.gif
  52:       : 16/Sep/02 10:43: /Analog/images/barb32.gif
  51:       : 16/Sep/02 10:43: /Analog/images/barb4.gif
  51:  0.08%: 11/Aug/02 18:54: http://www.abcdistributing.com/javascript/fw_menu.js
  49:  0.02%: 12/Sep/02 19:48: /WebPages/shed/8jpg.html
  47:  0.03%: 16/Sep/02 18:20: /WebPages/HA/HA.html
  46:  0.02%: 16/Sep/02 10:34: /WebPages/shed/6jpg.html
  46:  0.02%: 12/Sep/02 19:48: /WebPages/shed/9jpg.html
  46:  1.67%: 15/Sep/02 12:23: /WebPages/shed/images/0.jpg
  42:  2.34%: 22/Aug/02 06:32: /WebPages/shed/images/8.jpg
  41:  0.01%: 12/Sep/02 19:48: /WebPages/shed/10jpg.html
  40:  0.01%: 12/Sep/02 19:48: /WebPages/shed/7jpg.html
  39:  0.04%:  2/Aug/02 22:23: /WebPages/BobbiePics/index.htm
  39:  2.05%: 16/Sep/02 10:34: /WebPages/shed/images/6.jpg
  39:  0.01%: 14/Sep/02 10:58: /WebPages/BobbiePics/up.jpg
  39:  1.97%: 22/Aug/02 06:32: /WebPages/shed/images/9.jpg
  38:  0.01%: 14/Sep/02 10:58: /WebPages/BobbiePics/right.jpg
  38:  0.01%: 14/Sep/02 10:57: /WebPages/BobbiePics/left.jpg
  37:  0.02%: 14/Sep/02 22:37: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/8thGraders/index.htm
  34:       : 18/Jul/02 22:17: http://www.publixdirect.com/media/images/t/e/b/g_nv_ckout_ac_150a.gif
  34:       : 18/Jul/02 22:17: http://www.publixdirect.com/media/images/t/e/g/g_hp_rightbckgr_250cc.gif
  34:  2.10%: 22/Aug/02 06:32: /WebPages/shed/images/10.jpg
  34:       : 18/Jul/02 22:17: http://www.publixdirect.com/media/images/t/e/b/g_nv_vcrt_ac_e3.gif
  34:       : 18/Jul/02 22:17: http://www.publixdirect.com/media/images/t/e/g/titlebar_2463c.gif
  33:  0.02%: 14/Sep/02 22:14: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/Sophmores/index.htm
  33:       : 18/Jul/02 22:17: http://www.publixdirect.com/media/images/t/e/b/g_nv_schdlv_ac_23629.gif
  32:  1.69%: 22/Aug/02 06:32: /WebPages/shed/images/7.jpg
  31:  0.03%: 14/Sep/02 13:43: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/Admin/index.htm
  29:  0.14%: 16/Sep/02 15:47: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/Zwei-Hill.jpg
  29:  0.07%: 15/Sep/02 10:21: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/Seniors/index.htm
  29:  0.02%: 15/Sep/02 02:17: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/Freshmen/index.htm
  28:       : 11/Aug/02 18:44: http://www.abcdistributing.com/javascript/copyright.js
  27:  0.02%: 14/Sep/02 06:57: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/7thGraders/index.htm
  25:  0.12%: 16/Sep/02 15:47: /WebPages/Zwei/Post Cards/Zwei-ArmyBase2.jpg
  24:  0.01%: 15/Sep/02 20:04: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/VarsityCheerLearders/index.htm
  23:  0.01%: 15/Sep/02 10:22: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/SadieHawkinsDance/index.htm
  23:  0.03%:  9/Sep/02 17:56: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/8thGraders/thumbnails/Folio71-pg34.jpg
  23:  0.02%:  9/Sep/02 10:42: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/Sophmores/thumbnails/Folio71-pg53.jpg
  22:  0.02%:  9/Sep/02 17:56: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/8thGraders/thumbnails/Folio71-pg37.jpg
  22:  0.02%:  9/Sep/02 17:56: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/8thGraders/thumbnails/Folio71-pg36.jpg
  22:  0.02%:  9/Sep/02 10:42: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/Sophmores/thumbnails/Folio71-pg54.jpg
  21:  0.01%: 23/Aug/02 14:34: http://www.educause.edu/memdir/photos/29647.gif
  21:  0.02%:  9/Sep/02 17:56: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/8thGraders/thumbnails/Folio71-pg38.jpg
  21:  0.02%:  9/Sep/02 17:56: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/8thGraders/thumbnails/Folio71-pg33.jpg
  21:       : 23/Aug/02 14:35: http://statse.webtrendslive.com/S130376/button6.asp
  21:  0.02%:  9/Sep/02 17:56: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/8thGraders/thumbnails/Folio71-pg35.jpg
  20:  0.02%: 12/Sep/02 19:47: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/Juniors/index.htm
  20:  0.02%:  9/Sep/02 10:42: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/Sophmores/thumbnails/Folio71-pg52.jpg
  20:  0.01%: 15/Sep/02 02:08: /WebPages/Zwei/YearBook 1971/Activities/index.htm
  20:       : 11/Aug/02 18:32: http://www.abcdistributing.com/javascript/zoom.js
7645: 44.39%: 16/Sep/02 19:41: [not listed: 3,762 files]

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Running time: 1 second.

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