Ray's Website Statistics


  Hourly Summary  

The Hourly Summary identifies the level of activity broken down by each hour. Remember that one page hit can result in several server requests as the images for each page are loaded. This summary also compares the level of activity during working hours and after hours as a total for the report time frame.

Hourly Summary: Number of requests by Hour.

HourNumber of page requestsNumber of requestsNumber of bytes transferred
1.0:00 - 0:593582,03624,176,350
2.1:00 - 1:5920790210,403,511
3.2:00 - 2:59953434,667,436
4.3:00 - 3:5916074213,063,423
5.4:00 - 4:59952963,326,666
6.5:00 - 5:59922141,679,126
7.6:00 - 6:591435538,189,220
8.7:00 - 7:592791,15110,057,334
9.8:00 - 8:594221,51613,303,314
10.9:00 - 9:594031,66517,241,492
11.10:00 - 10:593211,38314,774,156
12.11:00 - 11:593601,92119,026,915
13.12:00 - 12:592731,54518,206,981
14.13:00 - 13:594342,23822,132,147
15.14:00 - 14:593642,12116,548,763
16.15:00 - 15:595182,84328,428,626
17.16:00 - 16:593662,18325,742,685
18.17:00 - 17:595282,44223,818,211
19.18:00 - 18:594792,42821,410,745
20.19:00 - 19:595592,55420,053,982
21.20:00 - 20:598143,37630,756,920
22.21:00 - 21:597103,15630,165,927
23.22:00 - 22:595062,57526,355,918
24.23:00 - 23:594902,45527,072,903
 Work Hours (8:00am-4:59pm)3,46117,415175,405,079
 After Hours (5:00pm-7:59am)5,51525,223255,197,672

This report was generated on January 21, 2002 01:20.
Report time frame September 1, 2000 09:01 to January 20, 2002 23:47.

Web statistics report produced by:
Analog logfile analyser. Analog 4.16Report Magic statistics formatting by Wadsack-Allen. Report Magic for Analog 2.05/MacOS