Ray's Website Statistics


  Directory Report  

The Directory Report analyzes accesses to this web site's directories. This information can be useful in determining the most requested areas.

This report shows results with at least 0.010000 percent of the total bytes. This report is sorted by amount of bytes transferred.

Directory Report: Number of requests by Directory Name.

Directory Report: Percentage of the requests by Directory Name.

Directory NameNumber of page requestsPercentage of the page requestsNumber of requestsPercentage of the requestsNumber of bytes transferredPercentage of the bytes
2.[root directory]4,13063.83%6,84519.18%35,333,9228.70%
3./report magic/5468.44%8872.49%4,423,2951.9%
4./sample files %26 templates/00%2,8568%2,623,3440.65%
5./analog 4.11 Ä/290.45%1980.56%1,408,2080.35%
7./analog 4.16 Ä/30.5%260.7%207,7740.5%
13./analog 4.11 %c4/10.2%90.3%41,9760.1%
 [not listed: 2]00%110.3%47,3270.1%

This report was generated on July 21, 2001 01:20.
Report time frame August 10, 2000 11:24 to July 20, 2001 21:14.

Web statistics report produced by:
Analog logfile analyser. Analog 4.16Report Magic statistics formatting by Wadsack-Allen. Report Magic for Analog 2.05/MacOS